Quarter 1: February, 4, 2022
Time: 11:30am-1pm Eastern Time
Location: Zoom (Virtual)
Instructor: Heather Maritano
CEUs: 1.5 Non-Contact CEUs/session
Clinical Case Illustrations
Ethical practice is a way of recognizing and thoughtfully resolving, to the best of one’s ability, the inevitable conflicts that arise in our work.
Decision making can be fraught with uncertainty, perhaps even shame, as we work through the options. Laws and codes give us some structures but relatively few clear answers for the complexities of clinical practices.
In this discussion and experiential based on-going series, we explore the issues we’re facing, the decisions we’re making, and the implications for our practice. Simple self nurture activities are integrated to reflect the perspective that best practices require a well functioning practitioner.
Our discussions focus on identifying various ethical dilemmas from true case illustrations. Participants are encouraged to submit issues from their own practices that can be used to enhance everyone’s learning. Submissions can be sent to Heather at hlmaritano@gmail.com prior to the session so she can be prepared, and make room for your concern.
Please ensure that all identifying information has been removed.

Discussion Topics
- Supervisor related issues
- Working with multiple family members – yes? no?
- Sharing cases with colleagues
- Social justice & cultural sensitivity in therapy
- Counter-transference and values clashes
- Dual relationships and small town living
- Managing boundaries
- Responding to subpoenas
- Reporting mandates and emotions
- Best practices versus ethics, what’s the difference
- Self care is an ethical issue
- Whatever you bring to the session…

Training Checklist
All sections must be marked as complete to receive credit.
Cost includes 1.5 CEUs/session
Each meeting counts as 1.5 hours of ethical content for licensure compliance. In Indiana we are required to have 1 hour annually.