At the Intersection of
Spirit & Science
We offer unique opportunities for growth in sandtray therapy, play therapy, clinical supervision, self-of-the therapist, and ethics in clinical practice. The style of our programs is both intentional and organic, aimed to present specific content as well as meeting participants where they’re at, as we do with clients in clinical practice.
Our programs are based in the intersection of spirit and science as experienced in interpersonal neurobiology (presence), symbolic expression, play, and creativity as we strive for wholeness.
We delight in new ideas, and are ever evolving our offerings to remain current.

“It is in playing and only in playing that the individual child or adult is able to use the whole personality, and it is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self.”
Donald Winnicott

Develop your Inner Resources
Professional development is as much about experiencing a way of being, as learning a way of doing.
Experience, Understand, Apply
Each Inner Resources training includes ample experiential process, self-reflection, and in-depth discussion to secure the learning goals. Our teaching methods integrate experience, theory, conceptualization, and application.
Small Group Format
Both online and in-person workshops are kept small in order to facilitate a sense of community and the safety necessary to most fully engage the learning process.
Virtual Possibilities
2020 stretched what we believed about experiential learning and the potential for connection online. What we discovered exceeded expectations, and we continue to expand our online offerings to the extent we can ensure our own high standards.

Meet the Instructor
Heather Maritano, LCSW, RPT-S
Heather started her private practice in 1998, working with a variety of issues in individual and family therapy. She has clinical specialties in Play Therapy & Sandtray Therapy and is a registered play therapist supervisor.

Custom Retreats
& Trainings
We enjoy working with individuals and groups to create training and retreat experiences to meet specific goals. We put together experiences collaboratively by request (online and in person), that can be a one time event or a series type of training that builds on a particular subject. Heather is willing to travel to your location, and enjoys putting together training, seminars & retreats to meet your specific areas of interest. Her on the road presentations started in Brown County (a short 30 minutes from home) and have taken her as far as Hong Kong.