Dates: TBD
Time: 9:15 am-5:15 pm ET
Instructor: Heather Maritano
Contact Hours: 12 CEUs/ 2 days
Prerequisites: Levels 1 & 2

Using both didactic and hands-on experiences, participants in this 2-day workshop will explore unique features of differing developmental levels as they present in the sandtray.
Working from the premise that play is essential throughout our lives, we will explore the functions and presentations of play at various stages to increase understanding of the sandtray process. Participants will have opportunities to explore developmental tasks as they present in play, or in the resistance to play, across the lifespan regardless of chronological age. Experiential activities will highlight sensory and symbolic material, as well as counter transference potential related to one’s own development. This training includes personal process and partner practice for skill development.
Mindfulness activities will be practiced to increase witnessing capacity for facilitating sandtray and as a clinical tool to assist in attunement.

- Assess and discuss early and middle childhood, adolescent, and adult development related to play & the sandtray play therapy process;
- Identify themes, content, and process variables in sandtray play therapy scenes across the lifespan;
- Discuss differences in defense mechanisms between children, adolescents & adults;
- Identify potentially regressed or stuck development evident in sandtray process;
- Discuss barriers to play across the lifespan and the resulting impact on mental & physical wellbeing;
- Create sandtrays focused on specific developmental time periods in one’s life to identify potentially strong emotions associated;
- Practice sandtray witnessing skills during play therapy experiential exercises;
- Identify areas for growth related to personal experiences in sandtray play therapy experiential exercises.
Foundation Series Levels 1 & 2, or permission from the instructor
Training Checklist
All sections must be marked as complete to receive certificate.

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Continuing Education Credit Requirements

Inner Resources Training Institute has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7363. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Inner Resources Training Institute is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Association for Play Therapy Approved Provider #07-200
To ensure you that the credits you receive are applicable for your purposes, please contact the agencies for which you are seeking credit directly. You must attend the entire session to receive credit, no partial credit will be issued. Inner Resources Training Institute follows all CE guidelines and maintains responsibility for the program.
Inner Resources Training Institute is an approved provider for the Indiana Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapist, and Mental Health Counselor. Boards have approved this organization to provide category 1 continuing education units for LSWs, LCSWs, LMFTs, and LMHCs. Provider # 98000765A